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Akfen Renewable Energy’s basic operational principle is to respect the natural and social environment and to protect the life and property safety of its employees and other stakeholders that may be affected by its activities. To document and systematize its awareness, it continues working in integration with ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System ve ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

Also in 2022; EN ISO 27001:2013 Information Technology – Security Techniques – Information Security management Systems and EN ISO 26000:2020 Social Responsibility Management System within the scope of integration into the company, preparations were completed, management systems were established and implemented. 

Within the scope of these management systems, the policies committed by the Board of Directors are listed below.




By complying with national and international legislation and adopting a quality-oriented approach at every stage of the service;          

We will fully fulfill the requirements of the management system standards we have declared,

We will do our best to achieve company and unit goals in a team spirit,

We will ensure that our employees perform their duties in a safe and healthy environment,

We will ensure the establishment of human and employee rights,

We will use our energy, global and corporate resources efficiently,

We will continuously improve our service and system performance,

Take a preventive rather than corrective approach; we will try to detect and eliminate potential problems before they occur,

In all our employees; we will establish education, high level communication and team spirit,

We will create and maintain a reliable company identity that meets the needs and expectations,

We will cooperate with our suppliers based on control at all levels.

We will create and protect an exemplary corporate identity that is respectful and beneficial to the society, our employees and the environment,

We will not hinder competition, on the contrary, we will encourage it,

We will act transparently, taking into account the principles of privacy and security,

We will declare our stance on environmental protection, occupational health and safety, efficiency in energy and global resource use, human resources, social responsibility, information security, protection of personal data by publishing special policies, and we will ensure that our policies are acted on at all levels.

We will declare our ethical rules and ensure that these rules are followed at all levels

We will be an exemplary institution in every aspect of our sector 



By complying with national and international legislation and by carrying out environmentally friendly studies;

We will reduce the negative environmental impact and prevent pollution at its source,

We will carefully evaluate the recycling and reuse alternatives of wastes,

Hazardous wastes; we will take the necessary measures to prevent them from mixing with the air, water and soil, and we will ensure that the wastes in question are delivered to the authorized institutions in a disciplined manner. We will raise awareness of our personnel about the damage caused by hazardous wastes to the environment.

We will try to reduce the amount of food waste to the minimum level by raising the awareness of our personnel,

We will use environmentally friendly technologies and reduce the use of raw materials

We will display an efficiency-oriented approach in energy consumption and raise awareness of our employees

We will ensure the sustainable, efficient and effective use of natural resources and raise awareness of our employees on this issue.

We will raise awareness about the causes and importance of climate change.

We will reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions by increasing our energy production capacity,

We will monitor the greenhouse gas emission rates related to our activities and energy consumption, and take the necessary measures to reduce them.

We will share data with the public on the consumption of energy and global resources, recycling and disposal of hazardous wastes, and try to create social awareness.

We will work to protect the ecosystems and biological diversity of the areas where we operate, and raise awareness of our personnel on this issue.

We will strengthen the vegetation of the areas where we operate, taking into account the geographical conditions.

We will bear the responsibility of transferring a clean and healthy environment to future generations.

We will work to instill environmental awareness in our employees and society.

Our company; We will be an exemplary institution by managing within the framework of environmental management standards.

We will support global goals for sustainable development


Occupational Health and Safety

By complying with national and international legislation and providing a healthy and safe working environment;

We will ensure that occupational health and safety awareness is adopted by all our stakeholders and that it is continuously developed,

To all interested parties; We will take all kinds of measures within the framework of OHS legislation,

We will work to prevent occupational accidents before they occur, with an effective risk assessment,

We will train our employees on OHS on legislation requirements,

Our employees; We will respect collective bargaining and bargaining rights and support organizations in this direction,

We will take as reference the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions, United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Declaration of Global Goals for Sustainable Development, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for multinational companies as reference.

We will ensure that our visitors, suppliers and employees of the companies from which we purchase services at all levels comply with the OHS rules,

Our company; We will be an exemplary institution by managing within the framework of OHS management standards.

In the working environment; We will provide a healthy environment where employees will feel comfortable, safe and happy to work, and we will take mental health problems seriously and support all personnel who encounter problems.


Energy Efficiency

Based on efficiency in energy and global resource use in order to leave a livable world to new generations;

We will continuously measure and improve our energy and global resource consumption performance,

We will keep consumption and carbon emissions at the lowest level,

We will constantly inform and raise awareness of our employees about the importance of efficiency in energy and global resource use,

We will work to raise social awareness about the effects of energy and global resource use and the importance of efficiency,

We will use environmentally friendly and economical products,

We will monitor energy management by setting plans and targets,

We will be an exemplary institution by managing our company within the framework of the energy management standard


Social Responsibility

Child Labor

For the healthy development of children and within the framework of respect for the right to education, we will not employ employees under the age of 18, and we will act in accordance with the procedures and principles of employing young workers.



While determining the human resources criteria (minimum conditions of the individual to be employed); we will aim to increase diversity and prevent discrimination as well as technical and administrative needs

In line with our company needs; We will evaluate our existing human resources and make employment plans to increase our human resources diversity, taking into account our social and institutional development

Individuals; We will not judge them on the basis of their skin colour, origin, religion or political views. We will only take the determined minimum requirements as a basis and stand at an equal distance from the applicants. We will provide equal professional opportunities for women and men.

By giving priority to local employment, we will try to support the people economically in the fields we operate.


Awareness Of Employees

Believing that the basis of social compliance is conscious employees, we will ensure that the level of awareness of employees is increased by informing them about their personal rights, company rules and working conditions during the recruitment phase and at certain periods during the working period. We will repeat our trainings regularly for the continuity of the awareness in question.

We will ensure that Akfen’s ethical rules are communicated to our employees and adopted.


Working Hours

Due to respect for labor and human rights, we will comply with applicable laws and regulations during working hours and overtime hours. We will take the necessary measures to ensure that overtime hours are not exceeded. We will base on the establishment of efficient work and the completion of the works within the working hours, and we will not allow overtime to be worked except in obligatory cases.



Based on the fact that all employees have equal rights; We will not look at race, social class, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, sensitive medical conditions, family responsibilities, or political affiliations in hiring, compensation, access to education, promotion.

We will objectively evaluate the feedback (objections, complaints, suggestions) of our current personnel.



With the belief that success comes from healthy communication, we will carry out practices aimed at keeping the connections between employees and managers constantly alive, creating good relations between employees and managers and ensuring the continuity of these relations.


Prevention Of Harassment And Abuse

We will ensure that there is no verbal, physical, psychological harassment or coercion in order to ensure the peace of the working environment and to ensure that the employees work happily. We will evaluate the complaints regarding this issue seriously and ensure that a fair decision is made as soon as possible and that the decision is implemented without delay.

We consider any situation where our employees are abused, exposed to non-physical violence such as pressure, threats, and put their safety and health at risk as an element of violence. We do not tolerate any behavior or action that includes harassment, threats and physical violence in any form. We undertake that there will be no contractual obligation or debt-for-pay work and that the work will be on a voluntary basis.


Supplier Management

Akfen Renewable Energy is aware of the important share of its suppliers in its success and aims to make the entire supply chain a part of this development as it develops. Akfen Renewable Energy’s relations with its suppliers are established within the framework of transparency and ethical rules; It is based on the principles of quality, competitiveness, environment, compliance with international standards, sustainability and honesty.

With the awareness that the activities of all our suppliers are our responsibility; not only the products & services we receive; We will also evaluate their approach to human resources, question and ensure their compliance with our human resources policy. In this way, while fulfilling our duty to establish individual rights, we also aim to have a share in the development of the supplier company.

We will try to support the people economically in the fields we operate by giving priority to local supplier companies in the supply of needs.

Issues related to sustainability are included in our corporate policies and supplier evaluation criteria.

These considerations mainly include the following criteria:

Environment, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

Measurements related to water consumption, carbon footprint, waste management

Commitments to work in accordance with ethical and human rights

Policies and procedures to prevent child and forced labor (Xinjiang Region etc.)

Policies and procedures regarding bribery, facilitation payments and corruption

Policies and procedures to prevent discrimination and harassment

Legal compliance with employee rights and working hours


Social responsibility projects

Social and environmental compliance criteria of the companies that the supplier is in contact with

Anti-corruption measures



Our employees; We will organize in-house or external trainings to increase awareness of occupational health and safety and to support their professional and personal development.


Health And Security

We attach importance to the creation of a healthy, safe and secure working environment. While showing the utmost care in complying with health and safety issues in all our activities in our company, businesses and construction sites; We take every precaution not to risk the health and safety of ourselves and others. We follow the regulations and developments related to occupational safety and avoid negligence. We only adopt a general policy that complies with the standards and legal requirements regarding OHS management and fulfill the policy requirements.


Protection Of Personal Data

We fully comply with the relevant legal regulations regarding the protection of personal data.


Supporting Local People Socio-Culturally And Economically

We will organize interviews to determine the socio-cultural and economic situation and needs of the local people affected by our activities. In this regard, we will inform the relevant parties so that feedback can be provided.

By giving priority to local employment, we will try to support the people economically in the fields we operate.

We will try to support the people economically in the fields we operate by giving priority to local supplier companies in the supply of needs.

We will determine and implement social projects in order to support the local people affected by our activities in socio-cultural terms.


Prevention Of Anti-Competitive Activities

Akfen Renewable Energy does not give direct/indirect aid or support to any political opinion, political organization or person in cash or in kind.

Akfen Renewable Energy communicates transparently with public authorities and keeps the level of communication in accordance with the fair competition laws of the relevant country.

Akfen Renewable Energy maintains the same ethical, transparent and fair approach in its relations with its competitors, avoids any kind of anti-competitive behavior, abides by the specified confidentiality rules, and takes a stance against any action that may lead to monopolization or building trust.

Akfen Renewable Energy will not enter into any anti-competitive agreements.

It will treat both its customers and private or legal people with whom it may be in a competitive position, and will not abuse this situation even if it is in a dominant position in the energy sector and will not make them use it.


Obligation To Notify Situations Contrary To Our Ethical Principles And Legal Responsibilities

Social Responsibility and other Policies provide a summary of the principles and rules regarding working order. Akfen Renewable Energy Inc. is aware that the principles and rules that must be followed in his attitudes and works are not limited to this summary and it is not possible to put all ethical rules in writing. When faced with a situation that is not written here, it acts in the light of basic ethical principles. All Akfen Renewable Energy A.Ş. Employees also consult their superiors in cases where they are not sure.

It should be known that ethical principles must be followed as a whole in order to protect the success and reputation of Akfen Renewable Energy A.Ş. The behavior of even a single employee against ethical principles can affect the reliability and operations of Akfen Yenilenen Enerji A.Ş. For this reason, when a behavior or transaction against ethical principles is encountered or there is a suspicion in this regard, it is absolutely necessary to report the violations to their superiors and/or the Ethics Line.

Akfen Renewable Energy A.Ş. encourages its employees to raise concerns or questions about unethical situations, discrimination or harassment, and to report other suspected violations of laws, regulations and policies.

It is also aware that the notifications made over the  ethical line will be kept confidential and that no sanctions will be faced due to the notification. It is aware of the fact that it is possible to make a (anonymous) notification in the notifications made here – if there are certain reservations and if it is not desired to specify a name.


Common Denominator Activities in the Public Interest

As Akfen Renewable Energy, we carry out works for the public interest in line with the sustainable clean energy targets of our country’s energy sector, with non-governmental organizations and associations that provide services to the common denominator of the public sector. The purpose of the activities of these non-governmental organizations and associations is to carry out studies for the common denominator for the public benefit. In this context, the activities of the organizations we are a member of in the sector and the international principles adopted by our company:

Working to introduce clean energy sources to the society and to ensure that the society has access to sustainable clean energy.

To provide support for the increase of our country’s renewable energy installed power

To ensure that the potential of our country, depending on the scientific, technological and commercial developments in the renewable energy sector, is correctly understood and evaluated by all institutions and organizations operating in the sector or planning investment in the sector.

To ensure that renewable energy investments and investors reach the place they deserve in the international arena in our country, which has a very convenient location in terms of all renewable energy sources.

To take the necessary steps in the public and private sector to create an investment climate, to follow the developments in the sector, to conduct research by taking into account the country’s energy policy, technical requirements, economic developments and international legislation and agreements on electrical energy.

To support the discovery of Turkey’s resources in wind energy, together with TÜREB, which is a member of the European Wind Energy Association (Wind Europe) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

To convey the common problems and solution suggestions of the members by contacting the relevant public institutions and organizations.

To follow the laws and legislation changes in the sector and to develop suggestions for them.

To produce policies and strategies to contribute to the stable development of the energy market and to share them with the relevant people.

Supporting free energy trade and the development of a sustainable, transparent, high-volume market in Turkey

To comply with the articles of the United Nations Global Compact

Not receiving information that provides advantage to the legal entity against competition

Not to make misleading promotions and information to public officials and third parties.

To declare financial activities to the administration completely and up-to-date with transparent and independent audits.

To ensure that the employed personnel work within the confidentiality and ethical rules of the company.


United Nations Global Convention

Akfen Holding signed the United Nations Global Compact on July 2, 2002 in order to contribute to the formation of a common culture in the business world within the framework of universal principles. With its signature, it became the first Holding in Turkey to sign the Global Compact. In this context; United Nations Global Compact, Global Goals for Sustainable Development; Our corporate policies, goals and objectives have been determined by considering ISO 20121 Sustainability, ISO 26000 & SA 8000 Social Responsibility standards. Within the framework of quality, environment, occupational health & safety, energy efficiency standards; A detailed integrated management system consisting of central 15 main procedures and plans and instructions prepared for each power plant in this direction was created, and its effectiveness was ensured at a high level, supported by software infrastructure. Our management system; One of Italy’s most prestigious certification bodies; The CISQ Federation has been certified as a result of a successful audit program carried out by IQNet member ICIM Spa. With the interim audits carried out regularly every year, the continuity of the document has been ensured and will continue to be provided.



As Akfen Renewable Energy, we declare and undertake the issues that we will not support or sponsor under the main headings.

All kinds of organizations related to politics and political parties, all kinds of donations, projects for which assistance is requested.

Religious organizations and structures

Activities that encourage habits such as drugs and gambling that are harmful to society.

All illegal activities

Religion, language, race, age, gender, etc. All kinds of projects that may cause discrimination

All requests that will not serve the public common interest.

Activities that will not support sustainable development and harm the ecosystem

Projects that will harm the conservation of biodiversity

Negative anti-competitive practices and lobbying activities that will contribute to the benefit of the company

Corruption, bribery, facilitation payments etc. individual unjust gains that do not benefit society

Facilitation payments, non-transparent activities for the benefit of the company, excluding foundations, transparent aids for the public benefit.

Formations that will contribute to climate change and cause carbon increase

Activities that harm the International Corporate Social Responsibility principles

Media press relations processes that will harm social communication


As Akfen Renewable Energy, we declare and undertake the issues that we can support or sponsor under the main headings below.

Projects for the benefit of society aiming at sustainable development

Projects protecting biodiversity and supporting nature

Social responsibility projects that will increase the quality of society’s life

Projects that care about community safety and health

are activities that our company can donate, aid, support or sponsor. Activities carried out on behalf of Corporate Social Responsibility regarding these activities.



Employees involved in every step of the purchasing process; It is obligatory to act in accordance with Akfen Renewable® policy and procedure regarding purchasing, payment and supplier relations. purchasing decisions; should be taken by considering the principles, rules and interests of our company at the highest level.

It will be ensured that the goods or services are necessary, avoiding the purchase of unnecessary or duplicate items.

While supplying goods and services; By considering sustainability and local economy, fair competition chance will be provided for all supplier companies.

The principle of accountability will be observed.

Legal obligations will be fully fulfilled.

Efforts will be made to involve local suppliers.

Efforts will be made to give small/disadvantaged enterprises a chance.

Necessary confidentiality will be ensured in order to ensure fair competition in purchasing processes.

Necessary examination and lifetime cost analyzes will be carried out for the supply of energy efficient products, and our energy efficiency policy will be acted upon.

The environmental effects of the products will be taken into account, and products that are contrary to our environmental policy will not be procured.

OHS procedure and policy will be observed during the supply of products. Products with additional risks in terms of OHS will not be supplied.

Compliance of purchasing transactions with relevant procedures, including conflicts of interest, will be controlled by independent audit mechanisms.

Supplier/Contractor preferences will be treated fairly and transparently. When choosing a Supplier/Contractor; cost, time frame, quality, environment, sensitivity to OHS and social responsibilities, relationship with our company, etc. considers the following matters, including but not limited to;


Preferred Institutions

Akfen Renewable; previous business successes, location, policy compliance, support, etc. It can negotiate the terms of purchase with the companies it prefers for reasons. However, the negotiated conditions apply to all companies that compete in the purchasing process.

Using preferred suppliers has many benefits for our firm, such as maximizing the best value, ease of ordering, savings from leverage volume, better access to information and a higher level of service due to the supplier’s strong commitment to our firm. Additionally, using a preferred supplier; It increases the productivity and efficiency of department staff by reducing the time used to receive quotes, negotiate pricing and contract terms.

Lists of preferred suppliers will be prepared. The lists in question will be prepared to include the reasons for preference.

Questions about preferred suppliers and the way a supplier is chosen can always be asked to our company.


Responsible Suppliers

To qualify as Contract or Preferred, a supplier must be designated as the responsible supplier in the bid/evaluation process. It means that the supplier, whether a company or individual responsible, has the appropriate legal authority to do business, a satisfactory record of integrity, appropriate financial, organizational and operational capacity and controls, and acceptable performance under previous government and/or private contracts, if any.

Examples of non-responsible suppliers include, but are not limited to, a supplier’s failure to perform satisfactorily on other contracts, or a history of performance problems and/or financial difficulty, business instability, criminal sanctions, civil sanctions, and/or tax, etc. There may be faults related to legal obligations.

Our company will be aware of legally suspended or banned suppliers and will ensure that such companies are removed from the Purchasing processes.


Small/Disadvantaged Suppliers

Akfen Renewable®; has the responsibility to use small/disadvantaged business ventures. Necessary arrangements will be made with precision in order for commercial enterprises/companies belonging to women entrepreneurs, veterans and disabled individuals to participate in the competitive environment created by Akfen Renewable® and to be included in the list of preferred institutions.


Local Suppliers

Considering the socio-economic parameters of the location where they operate, the necessary arrangements will be made with precision in order for the enterprises operating in these areas to participate in the competitive environment created by Akfen Renewable® and to be included in the preferred institution lists.

Supply Thresholds are listed below:

Procurement will be conducted in such a way that all suppliers have the same opportunity to compete openly and fully. No arbitrary action will be taken to give suppliers an unfair competitive advantage.

All bids received; will be evaluated on the basis of compliance with the specifications and price, and decisions will be made in line with our company’s principles, policies and interests.

During the procurement process, all suppliers and their subcontractors will be given the utmost care, within the framework of laws and regulations such as the protection of personal data, and within our human rights and social responsibility policy provisions.

Any purchase must be accompanied by required/requested documentation and the purchase threshold will determine the method of purchase. Failure to attach the required documents will result in the rejection of the procurement request.


Human Resources

We strive to create a happy, productive, successful and healthy workforce that is fair, transparent, where employees find opportunities to reveal their potential, contributes to the future of our company and is valued, adopts our main corporate policies, is high-performance, development-oriented, and has high commitment,

In this direction;

To provide equal professional opportunities for men and women regardless of their background, age, status, race, religion,

To create a team consisting of individuals respectful to the society,

To raise awareness of our personnel at all levels in the standards that are the subject of the integrated management system,

Acting in a team spirit based on the total quality philosophy,

Within the framework of quality systems, all employees become people who can use their talents at the highest level,

Creating and maintaining quality and discipline awareness in all our employees,

To create and maintain a high level of occupational safety awareness in all our employees,

To create environmental awareness in all our employees; to instill and maintain awareness of global resources and sustainability,

To increase the awareness about the efficient use of the produced energy,

To touch the society through our employees, to contribute to our general social development,

We aim to enable the individuals working in our company to develop horizontally and vertically in our organizational structure.


For this;

While determining the human resources criteria (minimum conditions of the individual to be employed); In addition to needs, we will aim to increase diversity and prevent discrimination.

We will not discriminate during employment. We will not judge people based on their skin colour, origin, religion, political views. We will only take the determined minimum requirements as a basis and stand at an equal distance from the applicants. We will provide equal professional opportunities for women and men.

We will not discriminate, not only in the employment process, but at any stage of our working life, we will adopt an equal and fair approach; We will offer equal pay and opportunities within the scope of their duties, powers and work performances.

In line with our company needs; We will evaluate our existing human resources and make employment plans to increase our human resources diversity, taking into account our social and institutional development.

We will ensure communication with our personnel at all levels, we will ensure that employee representatives are appointed at all levels so that this communication can be ensured during the meetings,

We will adopt an approach that respects human rights and evaluate the requests received in this context. We will guarantee the right of our employees to organize. We will fulfill collective bargaining and employment contract requests.

We will protect our Employee Representatives, we will provide opportunities to eliminate any effect that may cause restriction of representation rights and even to facilitate the representation process. In this context, we will take the demands of the workers’ representatives seriously and evaluate them.

We will prevent discrimination against our employee representatives at all levels.

We will adopt a fair approach and evaluate the feedback (objections, complaints, suggestions) from our staff impartially,

With performance monitoring, we will identify the trainings needed and perform them in a disciplined manner. Regardless of the need, we will organize regular trainings to ensure awareness and continuity. We will determine the effectiveness of the trainings and ensure that they are carried out again when necessary.

We will listen to the needs and expectations of our personnel who want to develop their careers in our company and need training for this, and support their participation in appropriate training programs.

We will determine and fulfill the necessary environmental conditions for the productivity and happiness of our employees. For this, we will try to identify and eliminate stress sources that will evaluate not only the physical conditions but also the psychological environment.

We will announce the general Akfen Code of Ethics to all our employees and ensure that they adopt them.

We will announce our Social Responsibility Policy to all our employees and ensure that they adopt it.

We will support global goals for sustainable development.

We will adopt the United Nations Global Principles.

In addition to the above-mentioned activities, we will fully comply with the legal requirements regarding human resources.

The business we adopt is that this policy; We will take the necessary approach and measures to ensure that the supplier companies we work with are also adopted by us. In this way, we will endeavor to provide facilities not only for our own personnel, but also for each individual working in all our projects and businesses.


Information Security

Akfen; complies with legal and ethical rules in obtaining, processing, making available, storing and sharing the information used in its activities. It is essential that the information used for Akfen is reliable and secure.

Information Security of Akfen; the required information is easily accessible and can be used uninterruptedly, only authorized persons can access it, it is prevented from being changed by unauthorized persons or applications, an unauthorized intervention is immediately detected and countermeasures are taken, user errors are prevented, and corporate memory is backed up to ensure continuity.

Continuous increase in the density of information in electronic media in line with technological developments; entails the risk of unauthorized access and modification; makes physical and electronic information security necessary both institutionally and individually at the highest level.

Akfen; Thanks to its information security policy, it aims to reach and use the right information in a timely manner, to prevent unauthorized interventions, to protect corporate reliability and reputation, and to ensure continuity in the works carried out.

Determination of acceptable principles in the use of information, authorization, control of the use of authority, explanation of physical and electronic security methods, determination of the usage methods of the information communication network, password management, emergency management and backup constitute the basis of the Information Security Management System.

Akfen employees and stakeholders; Responsible for the operation of the Information Security Management System and the provision of information security. The control and supervision of the effective functioning of the system is carried out by the Information Security Coordination Board, which consists of the security officers of the units.

Akfen Information Security Policy; Supported by the Information Security Regulation. Sanctions in the Akfen Disciplinary Regulation are applied against possible violations in information security.

Akfen Information Security Coordination Board; monitors the information security policy, reviews it at least every 6 months and presents the change requirements to the Board of Directors.

Akfen Top Management; expressly declares its support for the execution and control of the necessary applications to ensure information security, for taking preventive measures in case of any violation, for the implementation of sanctions against those who cause the violation.

Ensuring information security is one of the cornerstones of the management approach at Akfen Holding.

Akfen Renewable Energy - Quality Standards

ISO 9001

ISO 14001

ISO 14064

ISO 26000

ISO 27001

ISO 45001

ISO 50001