Home / SUSTAINABILITY / Public Common Good Activities In The Corporate Energy Sector


Akfen Renewable® Energy, we carry out works for the public interest in line with the sustainable clean energy targets of our country’s energy sector, with non-governmental organizations and associations that provide services to the common denominator of the public sector. The purpose of the activities of these non-governmental organizations and associations is to carry out studies for the common denominator for the public benefit. In this context, the activities of the organizations we are a member of in the sector and the international principles adopted by our company:

Working to introduce clean energy sources to the society and to ensure that the society has access to sustainable clean energy.

To provide support for the increase of our country’s renewable energy installed power

To ensure that the potential of our country, depending on the scientific, technological and commercial developments in the renewable energy sector, is correctly understood and evaluated by all institutions and organizations operating in the sector or planning investment in the sector.

To ensure that renewable energy investments and investors reach the place they deserve in the international arena in our country, which has a very convenient location in terms of all renewable energy sources.

To encourage the transfer of technology and experience at national or international level, to promote infrastructure development elements, to provide trainings, device demonstrations, and the creation of special infrastructures on this subject.

To take the necessary steps in the public and private sector for the formation of an investment climate, to follow the developments in the sector, to conduct research by taking into account the country’s energy policy, technical requirements, economic developments and international legislation and agreements on electrical energy.

of the European Wind Energy Association ( Wind Europe) and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

To convey the common problems and solution suggestions of the members by contacting the relevant public institutions and organizations.

To follow the laws and legislation changes in the sector and to develop suggestions for them

To produce policies and strategies to contribute to the stable development of the energy market and to share them with the relevant people.

Supporting free energy trade and the development of a sustainable, transparent, high-volume market in Turkey

To comply with the articles of the United Nations Global Compact

Not receiving information that provides advantage to the legal entity against competition

Not to make misleading promotions and information to public officials and third parties

Not encouraging P.A. to violate the codes of conduct that apply to them

Respecting confidentiality obligations in the employment of a former P.A.

Not attempting to obtain or give any information or decision by means of public or private, honest and non-transparent methods.

To declare financial activities to the administration completely and up-to-date with transparent and independent audits.

Applying a responsible financial and tax strategy for all work

To ensure that the employed personnel work within the confidentiality and ethical rules of the company.



Akfen Holding signed the United Nations Global Compact on July 2, 2002 in order to contribute to the formation of a common culture in the business world within the framework of universal principles. With its signature, it became the first Holding in Turkey to sign the Global Compact. In this context; United Nations Global Compact, Global Goals for Sustainable Development; Our corporate policies, goals and objectives have been determined by considering ISO 20121 Sustainability, ISO 26000 & SA 8000 Social Responsibility standards. Within the framework of quality, environment, occupational health & safety, energy efficiency standards; A detailed integrated management system consisting of central 22 main procedures and plans and instructions prepared for each power plant in this direction was created, and its effectiveness was ensured at a high level, supported by software infrastructure. Our management system; One of Italy ‘s most prestigious certification bodies; The CISQ Federation has been certified as a result of a successful audit program carried out by IQNet member ICIM Spa. With the interim audits carried out regularly every year, the continuity of the document has been ensured and will continue to be provided.


Akfen Renewable® Energy, we declare and undertake the issues that we will not support or sponsor under the main headings.

All kinds of organizations related to politics and political parties, all kinds of donations, projects for which assistance is requested

Religious organizations and structures

Activities that encourage habits that are harmful to society, such as drugs and gambling

All illegal activities

Religion, language, race, age, gender, etc. All kinds of projects that may cause discrimination

All requests that do not serve the public common good

Activities that do not support sustainable development and may harm the ecosystem

Projects that will harm biodiversity conservation

Negative practices and lobbying activities against competition that will contribute to the interests of the company

Corruption, bribery, etc. individual unjust gains that do not benefit society

Non-transparent, foundations, non-transparent aids for public benefit, activities in the interest of the company

Formations that will contribute to climate change and cause carbon increase

Activities that violate the International Corporate Social Responsibility principles

Media press relations processes that will harm social communication

our company will not donate, aid, support or sponsor.


Akfen Renewable® Energy, we declare and undertake the issues that we can support or sponsor under the main headings below.

Projects for the benefit of society aiming at sustainable development

Projects protecting biodiversity and supporting nature

Social responsibility projects that will increase the quality of life of the society

Projects that care about community safety and health

our company can donate, aid, support or sponsor. Activities carried out on behalf of Corporate Social Responsibility regarding these activities.

In 2021, annual membership fees of 135,060 TL were paid to associations and non-governmental organizations that carry out activities for the public common denominator listed below.These declared figures are examined in the audit processes of internal and external independent audit firms.


Associations and NGOs 


Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK)    

World Economic Forum – Global Shapers    

Real Estate Investors Association (GYODER)

Young Presidents Organization (YPO)

Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TÜRKONFED)

Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD) 

Turkish Family Business Association (TAIDER)

Young Businessmen Association of Turkey (TUGIAD)

Human Management Association of Turkey (PERYÖN)

Turkish Quality Association (KalDer)

Corporate Governance Association of Turkey (TKYD)

Turkish Tourism Investors Association (TYD)

Turkish Business Women Association (TİKAD)

Women on Board Association Turkey (WOB Turkey)     

Turkish Marine Environment Protection Associatıon/ TURMEPA (TURMEPA)     

All Waste and Environmental Management Association (TAYÇED)     

Turkish Investor Relations Association (TÜYID)

Business Council for Sustainable Development Association (SKD Turkey)     

My Home World    


Turkish Solar Energy Industry Association (GENSED)

Energy Investors Association (GUYAD)

International Solar Energy Society Turkey Section (GÜNDER)     

Electricity Producers Association (EÜD)

Energy Trade Association (ETD)

International Investors Association (YASED)

Turkish Wind Energy Association (TUREB)    


As Akfen Renewable Energy, we declare and undertake that we will not provide support or sponsorship for the following:

*Politics and any kind of organization related to political parties, any projects that request donation, aid

*Religious organizations and structures

*Activities that promote harmful habits to the public, such as drugs and gambling

*Any illegal activities

*Any projects that may lead to religion, language, race, age, gender, etc. discrimination

*All requests that will not serve the public common good

*Activities that will not support sustainable development and may cause harm to the ecosystem

*Projects that will cause harm to the protection of biodiversity

*Adverse practices and lobbying activities against competition, which contribute to the company’s interest

*Undeserved individual gains that are not in the public interest such as fraud and bribery etc.

*Compositions that will cause carbon increase that will contribute to climate changes

*Activities that violate International Corporate Social Responsibility principles

*Courses of media-press relations that will cause harm to social communication

Those are the activities that our company will not provide donation, aid, support or sponsorship.

As Akfen Renewable Energy, we declare and undertake that we can provide support or sponsorship for the following:

*Projects for the public interest aiming at sustainable development

*Projects for protecting biodiversity and supporting nature

*Social responsibility projects that will increase the quality of public life

*Projects that address public safety and health

Those are the activities that our company may provide donation, aid, support or sponsorship. Activities that are carried under Corporate Social Responsibility regarding these activities:



With this project, it was aimed to contribute to both the home economics and the ecological balance of the world by informing the women about the wise and conscious use of water living in rural areas about the costly electrical energy among the energy types and water which our main non-substitutable resource. Additionally, it was aimed to enable women to socialize by having them to express themselves in a community established outside the surrounding they are accustomed to. “Savings in Our Home, Future in Our Hands Project” which was planned to be realized in 2020 in the locations where Akfen Yenilenebilir Enerji A.Ş. has 27 active power plants, was carried out in only 7 locations due to Covid.



In 2019, “Hygiene is Health Project” was implemented under the coordination of TİKAV with the financing of Akfen Yenilenebilir Enerji A.Ş. which has active Solar and Hydroelectric Power Plants in 26 different locations. Within the scope of the project, Akfen Yenilenebilir Enerji A.Ş. held seminars in 26 different neighborhoods / villages where it had active plants. In these seminars, 4000 people were reached on body and food hygiene issues which is necessary for wellness of women living in rural areas and involved in manual labor. Gift application packages were distributed to the participants within the scope of the training content.

Social Awareness Award was granted to Hygiene is health project in 9th Turkey Energy Summit and it received the first prize.



In 2018, “Health First Project” was implemented under the coordination of TİKAV with the financing of Akfen Yenilenebilir Enerji A.Ş. in 26 different locations. Those locations composed of the rural areas where active Hydroelectric Power Plants and Solar Power Plants of Akfen Renewable Energy Inc. are located. Within the scope of the project, it was aimed to increase the awareness of women who are the foundation of family on by giving a practical seminar on first aid, basic healthcare, cancer screening, medical examination routines, gynecological diseases and organ donation to the women over the age of 18 and living in rural areas. Also, it was aimed to prevent of false medical interventions by non-professionals in our country, to overcome the prejudices against medical examinations and to provide support for taking the necessary precautions, especially regarding gynecological diseases. 1500 people were reached in the end of 17 studies carried out within the scope of the project. Gift application packages were distributed among the participants within the scope of the training content.



With “We Have School at Home Project” implemented in cooperation with TİKAV and AKFEN Yenilenebilir Enerji A.Ş. in 2017, it was aimed to inform parents about the methods of supporting physical, psycho-motor, social-emotional, mental and linguistic development of children between the ages of 0-6 at home and to raise awareness about the importance of pre-school education. The importance of not resorting education to school and having productive time with children at home was discussed in Having School At Home Project for the sake of raising healthier individuals. Within the scope of the project, mothers were informed about the health screenings of children aged 0-6 and a workshop was held on domestic activities that could support their development processes as well as spending quality time with children. Aiming to raise healthier individuals, to strengthen parental communication, to support pre-school education efforts that are tried to be widespread in our country and implemented in 15 different locations in Turkey, approximately 1000 people were reached within the scope of this project. Gift application packages were distributed among the participants within the scope of the training content.



The company aims to provide reliable and clean energy and to improve and develop the society and the environment it is in, especially the regions where the plants are located. In line with this goal, the priority of employment is given to the local community where the plant is located, and the supply chain is initiated from the local level within the scope of contribution to the local economy. It supports training of people with job needs at the local level so that they can become technical personnel and provides the certificates they need to get. Employing all the means to support local employment, the company publishes job ads firstly in the village, then in the district and then in the province where the plant is located.